Fear Not

March 20, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


Fear Not



There is an old Persian proverb that was made famous by Martin Luther King Jr. when he stated,

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”


That quote is reminiscent of a passage of Scripture where Abram was experiencing fear and unbelief, and then he was reminded in a vision of God’s greatness and forthcoming promises.


“After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: "Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great." But Abram said, "O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?" And Abram said, "Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir." And behold, the word of the Lord came to him: "This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir." And he brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭15:1-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬


The law of first occurrence is established with several phrases in that passage of Scripture.  In other words, there are several phrases that first appear in that passage of Scripture that are used multiple times, if not hundreds of times, throughout the Bible.

They include “Fear not”, and “I am your shield”.


These are unprecedented times full of darkness, yet the promises of innumerable blessings twinkle amidst the vast darkness.  We must trust in Gods’ promises, and never surrender to the world and it’s avalanche of fear.  We must stand strong in faith and be courageous.  It is in times like these that we must firmly believe God and His Word, and hold our hands up in victorious faith for God always leadeth us in triumph in Christ.  We can “Fear Not” because God is our shield.  As an overshadowing Rock, no matter what happens, we can rest under the shadow of the Almighty.  He is a tower of refuge, and we can find peace and strength in Him!

Tomorrow is a mystery that God holds in His hands.  I have no idea what tomorrow will bring for any of us, nor does anyone else, but God does, and He has promised that in all things and in every situation He will work for the good for those who love Him.  Fear not!


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬



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