The Challenging Road

December 11, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

“The Challenging Road”


They took Him to the place of the skull.  Already beaten and bloody, He was forced to carry His own instrument of death.  When He could no longer manage, another carried the burden.  The pain and torment did not end there.  Hammer and nails were next....

It was such a horrible and difficult path; that road that led to Golgotha.  Yet, He did it anyways.  He didn’t have to.  He was offered a much easier way, but He declined, stating “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ ””.

With residual rubber deposits and painted marks ahead, it was fairly easy to see where this path was leading.  Even over solid rock, tire marks from the passage of thousands of Jeeps and UTVs pointed the way.  As is usually the case, the path of least resistance had been selected and followed by the masses.  As I stopped to take this picture, I thought about the path of least resistance.  Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Most things in nature take the path of least resistance.  Wind, water, and electricity are perfect examples.  Humans, if left to our nature, tend to do the same thing.  And, I would say, that’s not always a bad thing.  There are times when taking the easy way works well.  Saving energy, fuel, and time require the easy route due to it’s lower output demand.  On the other hand, the higher output option is where real growth is found.  Usually littered with challenges that push us out of our comfort zone, the more difficult path tests us and forces us to “muscle up”.  Obstacles loom around every corner and require more time and effort to conquer.  It is upon the road less traveled that lessons are learned and strength is built.  Physical fitness comes via the high output option.  Muscles do not grow unless they are tasked.  Many times, experience and education come via the more difficult routes as well.  Challenges feed growth, and it is in growth that we become better individuals.

The spiritual realm is no different.  The easy way offered by the world leads to disaster.  It seems nice and smooth at the time and, after deliberation, might be okay since everyone is going that way, but that is a very slippery slope.  Eventually, the trap will get sprung.  Once again there are scriptures that address this topic.


““Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Matthew 7:13-14 NIV


I am thankful everyday that Jesus set the example and chose the narrow road so that we could find life through Him.  Without Jesus, only the wide road exists and utter destruction lies ahead.  But because Jesus accepted the road to Golgotha, we are set free!

There is monumental value in taking the challenging road and going through the narrow gate.  It will probably make you question your decisions at times, but the difficult path is exciting both physically and spiritually.  Personally, I have found, when it appears I can go no further, Jesus lifts me up and carries my load.  You see, it is not only growth that will be found upon the challenging road.  You will also meet a friend named Jesus!




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