Time To Reflect

December 12, 2018  •  Leave a Comment


“Time To Reflect”


The colorful spectacle of fall crowned by a stunning rainbow filled my vision.  A grin inched along my lips until a smile forcibly erupted.  Only moments before, the landscape had been drab and disenchanting amid shadows, clouds, and rain.  It had been a depressing wet gloom that I had trudged through all day.  There had been no golden glow of fall or arching rainbow until the sun peeked out.  Then suddenly, right before days end, the sun broke through and nature reflected it’s light.  What was drab became colorful.  What was depressing became uplifting.  What was lacking became full.


I find it interesting how dramatically the scene changed when the light broke through.  Nothing shined or produced light on it’s own.  The rainbow’s appearance required white light from the sun to be reflected off at different angles through raindrops to produce the spectrum of colors.  The dazzling display of aspen and oak had remained hidden in the shadows of a mountain until sunlight danced, dribbled, and reflected off the leaves.  Nothing was beautiful until the sunlight was reflected.

Human beings were created in the image of God, and we were created to reflect His brilliance.  It is NOT about us shining, but all about us reflecting His light of life.  If we seek Him with all our hearts and surrender to Him, we can reflect His glory and never walk in darkness.  We can be a light on a hill that others will see, and maybe through that beautiful reflection others can come to know Jesus.  It’s time to reflect!




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